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Options for using Galaxy



last_modification Last modification: Nov 25, 2022

Options for using Galaxy

Options for using Galaxy

Galaxy is available in many ways, each with different configurations and capabilities

Here are some options

Speaker Notes

Many workshops use Galaxy instances that go away once the workshop is done. This deck lists options for using Galaxy outside of a training context.

Speaker Notes

Public Galaxy Servers

.image-25[GalaxEast a powerful omics galaxy] .image-25[80+ galaxy servers and counting] .image-25[GigaGalaxy's logo mentioning integrated publishing of workflows] .image-25[Prove your point, genome statistics made simple with the Genomic Hyperbrowser] .image-25[Unreadable tiny text with a head the Lanuage Application Grid]

Speaker Notes

Public Galaxy Servers

  1. General purpose genomics servers
  2. Domain specific servers
    Can be specific to:
    • Research methods: ChIP-Seq, RNA-Seq, repeats, …
    • Organisms: Pathogens, phage, rice, poplars (!), …
    • Non-genomic domains: image analysis, social science, natural language processing, …
  3. Tool servers
    • Host specific tools to make them easy to access and run

Complete list:

Speaker Notes

Semi-public Galaxy services

Access based on geography or community membership

Geography Resource
Australia Genomics Virtual Lab (GVL)
Canada GenAP
Norway Norwegian e-Infrastructure for Life Sciences (NeLS)
US Jetstream

Complete list:

Speaker Notes


Public clouds via CloudLaunch

.left[CloudLaunch currently only supports:]


.pull-right[ .image-75[Illegible screenshot of Galaxy Cloud Launch with a form for entering data.] ]

Speaker Notes


CloudLaunch / CloudMan instances

.pull-right[ .image-75[Screenshot of a Galaxy Cloud Man instance] ]

Speaker Notes


.image-25[CloudMan interface with two compute nodes shown busy.]

CloudMan enables you to statically or dynamically scale compute power

Speaker Notes

Run your own Galaxy locally

Speaker Notes

Commercial support

Speaker Notes

Which Galaxy instance to use?

Thank you!

This material is the result of a collaborative work. Thanks to the Galaxy Training Network and all the contributors! Galaxy Training Network This material is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.