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Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator (FATES)





last_modification Last modification: Nov 25, 2022

Evolution of land surface models

Evolution of land surface models

reference: Fisher R.A. & Koven C.D. JAMES, 2020

Speaker Notes

Evolution of land surface models

Global Carbon budget

reference: Fisher R.A. & Koven C.D. JAMES, 2020

Speaker Notes

Evolution of land surface models

Climate feedback

reference: Fisher R.A. & Koven C.D. JAMES, 2020

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Surface processes

Surface processes play a key role in extreme events (heat waves, fires, crop failures, floods, droughts).

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Evolution of land surface models

Climate impact

reference: Fisher R.A. & Koven C.D. JAMES, 2020

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Problems with the status quo

Status quo

  1. Perpetual increase in complexity

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Land surface modelling in the world

LSM teams

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Problems with the status quo

Status quo

  1. Perpetual increase in complexity
  2. Sub-critical development efforts
  3. Over-simplified representation of ecosystems

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Ecological processes in land surface models

Ecological processes

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Status quo

  1. Perpetual increase in complexity
    • Complexity management
  2. Sub-critical development efforts
    • Open-source community development
  3. Over-simplified representation of ecosystems
    • Balanced ecological realism

Speaker Notes

What is FATES?

FATES stands for the Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator and is a module with fully open-source development:


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FATES open-source

It is designed to operate in a “host” land surface model, which simulates:

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Cohort model

Concept of Cohort model

reference: Benchmarking and parameter sensitivity of physiological and vegetation dynamics using the Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator (FATES) at Barro Colorado Island, Panama Charles D. Koven et al., 2020.

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Balanced ecological realism

What are the advances allowed by a demographic model?

Ecological realism

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development cluster

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Open source, community development

Growth in participation in FATES

FATES community

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FATES development

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Code complexity management

FATES code complexity

Reference: Fisher R.A. & Koven C.D. “Perspectives on the Future of Land Surface Models and the Challenges of Representing Complex Terrestrial Systems” AGU Perspective article. JAMES, 2020

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FATES reduced complexity modes

FATES reduced complexity

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But that’s not all…

FATES (in common with all land surface models that are part of ESMs) remains technically challenging to run.

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But that’s not all…

Interesting science is at the interface of the input parameters, model processes and emergent outcomes.

Learning curve

Reference: Eva Lieungh, Sonya Geange, Hui Tang

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How can I use FATES in Galaxy?

Speaker Notes

Key Points

Thank you!

This material is the result of a collaborative work. Thanks to the Galaxy Training Network and all the contributors! Galaxy Training Network This material is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.