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Galactic Database


last_modification Last modification: Nov 25, 2022

Galactic Database

.left[Galaxy uses a database for:]

.left[Galaxy does not use a database for:]

Speaker Notes


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Galaxy rarely deletes from the database, most objects are marked deleted.

Allocate at least 20 GB of disk to start, 50+ GB if expanding would be difficult.

8-16 GB memory should be sufficient.

Recommended: Run PostgreSQL on a different server for resource isolation.

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database_connection is specified as a database URL in galaxy.yml

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New Database

On first startup with an empty database, Galaxy creates its schema

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Changes in the Galaxy DB model (when upgrading Galaxy) are captured incrementally in the form of atomic scripts.

Each script can both upgrade and downgrade a DB.

$ ./ upgrade
$ ./ downgrade --version=132

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Tuning - Pool

If the server logs errors about not having enough database pool connections.

Galaxy config option default value value
database_engine_option_pool_size 5 10
database_engine_option_max_overflow 10 20

Values for

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Tuning - Server-side cursors

If large database query results are causing memory or response time issues in the Galaxy process, leave it on server (PostgreSQL only, recommended).

Galaxy config option default value value
database_engine_option_server_side_cursors false true

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Tuning - Slow query logging

Queries slower than this threshold (in s) will be logged at debug level.

Galaxy config option default value value
slow_query_log_threshold 0 2

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Tuning - TS install database

Galaxy can track Tool Shed data in a separate DB.

Galaxy config option default value value
install_database_connection value of database_connection SQLite DB in CVMFS

All other database config options but prefixed with install_ are also available.

.left[This allows:]

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Access through model

Python script to access Galaxy’s database layer via the Galaxy model.

(venv)$ python -i scripts/ --config config/galaxy.yml
>>> new_user = User('', 'secret')
>>> new_user.username = 'foo'
>>> sa_session.add(new_user)
>>> sa_session.flush()
>>> sa_session.query(User).all()

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Useful queries

Captured in gxadmin (tutorial)

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Thank you!

This material is the result of a collaborative work. Thanks to the Galaxy Training Network and all the contributors! page logo This material is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.