
Erasmus+ Programme

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This project (2020-1-NL01-KA203-064717) is funded with the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. Their funding has supported a large number of tutorials within the GTN across a wide array of topics. eu flag with the text: with the support of the erasmus programme of the european union




Gif showing a user switching between two branches of a tutorial
12 April 2022

It has been a long discussed feature within the GTN Tutorial Author Community: how can we provide trainees with choice in their tutorials, and how can we as trainers not duplicate large tutorials just to show a slightly different path at one point?

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Image showing content from a tutorial, rendered as an rmarkdown html via knitting. A table of contents appears on the left, and code and outputs on the right.
28 January 2022
Author(s) orcid logoAvatarHelena Rasche

Further building on the work in the automatic Jupyter Notebook, we’ve now re-written the Jupyter export to be faster, and more importantly added support for R and RMarkdown! Check out an example material. Here we take the content of the tutorial, written like normal GTN markdown, and we automatically convert it to Jupyter Notebooks and now RMarkdown documents! Check out the documentation on how to setup your tutorials to support this.

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GTN logo with a multi-coloured star and the words Galaxy Training Network
14 December 2021
Author(s) orcid logoAvatarHelena Rasche

The Galaxy Training Network will now support annotating Funding Agencies on training materials. This is part of our ongoing effort to better annotate how people are contributing to the GTN and recognise all of the sources of contribution.

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GTN logo with a multi-coloured star and the words Galaxy Training Network
12 October 2021

As part of our work under the Gallantries Grant we are establishing a new topic within the GTN specifically focused on Data Science skills. This topic will include tutorials covering things such as:

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