
The following list includes only slides and tutorials where the individual has been added to the contributor list. This may not include the sum total of their contributions to the training materials (e.g. GTN css or design, tutorial datasets, workflow development, etc.) unless described by a news post.

GitHub Activity




Screenshot of a Funannotate annotation displayed with JBrowse, within Galaxy.
1 December 2021

We have just finished a new collection of training material for genome assembly and annotation! You now have access to slides and tutorials, focused on the complete analysis of the genome of a fungus species (Mucor mucedo).

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GTN logo with a multi-coloured star and the words Galaxy Training Network
12 October 2021

As part of our work under the Gallantries Grant we are establishing a new topic within the GTN specifically focused on Data Science skills. This topic will include tutorials covering things such as:

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Screenshot of Apollo embedded within the Galaxy Europe interface, Apollo shows a couple of gene tracks.
4 June 2021

After two years, the Galaxy Genome Annotation team has finally finished their much awaited tutorial on doing Genome Annotation in Galaxy! Genome annotation is a time consuming and largely manual process as it requires the synthesis of a significant amount of varied information to make inferences, a process tha cannot be accomplished without an interactive editor. To support this, Apollo was deployed on Over the past two years the GGA project has pushed forward apollo and tooling around it, and it finally culminates in this look at how to annotated your genomes in Apollo.

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