Welcome to Galaxy Training!

Collection of tutorials developed and maintained by the worldwide Galaxy community

Galaxy for Scientists

Galaxy Tips & Tricks

Topic Tutorials
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data 22

Data Science Survival Kit

Topic Tutorials
Foundations of Data Science 36

Galaxy for Developers and Admins

Topic Tutorials
Galaxy Server administration 43
Development in Galaxy 21

How to contribute?

First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute!

You can report mistakes or errors, create more contents, etc. Whatever is your background, there is probably a way to do it: via the GitHub website, via command-line. If you feel it is too much, you can even write it with any text editor and contact us: we will work together to integrate it.

To get you started, check our dedicated tutorials or our Frequently Asked Questions

Galaxy for Contributors and Instructors

Topic Tutorials
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material 18
Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training 14

Welcome to the GTN!

Find out more about Galaxy Training Network

Video created by Geert Bonamie.

Meet & Join the Community!

Find out how you can become part of the Galaxy community

Video created by Beatriz Serrano-Solano

Contributor Hall of Fame

This project would not be possible without the many amazing community contributors!

The following element contains a carousel with the images of our 282 contributors. This is more accessible via the hall of fame link which follows the carousel so we have hidden in from screenreaders so as to not annoy you.

Check out the full Hall of Fame.

Do you want to help with this project and join our Hall of Fame? Please see our dedicated tutorials or our Frequently Asked Questions to get you started.

The Galaxy Training Network

static screenshot of google maps showing trainer locations mostly across the northern hemisphere

Acknowledgment and Funding

More information about this project can be found in our publication in Cell Systems. We would like to thank all contributors to our Galaxy training materials, the Galaxy community for their constant support, and our funding sources:

de.NBI National Institutes of Health Collaborative Research Centre 992 Max Planck Institute of Immunology and Epigenetics University of Freiburg The Pennsylvania State University Galaxy Training Network Institut Français de Bioinformatique Elixir Elixir Excelerate National Science Foundation Erasmus Mecial Center CINECA project Gallantries Project EU Erasmus+ programme Avans University of Applied Sciences European Bioinformatics Institute UK Medical Research Council